Pranav Jain
University of Southern California
Email: pranavj [at]
CV | Google Scholar | Github

I am a first-year CS PhD student at University of Southern California advised by Dr. Oded Stein. My research interests lie in computer graphics, specifically in geometry processing and physics based simulations.

Before my PhD, I completed my MSc from New York University where I was working at the Geometric Computing Lab advised by Dr. Daniele Panozzo. I worked on optimizing the Polyfem library. I also worked on to introduce a high-order finite element formulation using high-order bases for elastodynamic simulation on high-order (curved) meshes.
I also did a research internship at The Mathematical Geometry Processing Lab at Freie Universität Berlin mentored by Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav and advised by Dr. Konrad Polthier. I worked on designing a robust and adaptive method to filter point clouds. In the summer of 2020, I was selected to be a part of the Fields Undergraduate Student Research Program 2020 (FUSRP 2020), where I worked on the problem of mechanism synthesis under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Uchida.

Publications & Preprints

A systematic comparison between FEBio and PolyFEM for biomechanical systems
Liam Martin , Pranav Jain, Zachary Ferguson, Torkan Gholamalizadeh , Faezeh Moshfeghifar , Kenny Erleben , Denis Zorin, Teseo Schneider, Daniele Panozzo,
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023

High-Order Incremental Potential Contact for Elastodynamic Simulation on Curved Meshes
Zachary Ferguson, Pranav Jain, Denis Zorin, Teseo Schneider, Daniele Panozzo,

Spy Based Analysis of Selfish Mining Attack on Multi-Stage Blockchain
Donghoon Chang, Munawar Hasan, Pranav Jain,
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019


Teaching Assistant of CSCI 104: Data Structures and Object Oriented Design for Spring 2024.


Former member of the SIGGRAPH Research Career Development Committee. Being a part of the Professional Development team, we hosted Conference Coffee Events at SIGGRAPH/SIGGRAPH Asia 2021-2022. More details about the programme and the sign-up form is available here.

Personal Blogs

Origins of Space Race

Guiding Dreams: The Ambrose Lightship -- A First Glimpse of Liberty for Immigrants

What happended to Afghanistan?

Blockchain Explained!

Template Overfitting on 1 and 2.